Pass Policies To Support Equal Pay!

Join us in telling elected officials to support the Paycheck Fairness Act& the Salary Transparency Act!

Write Your Senator: Vote YES on SB24-094 “Safe Housing for Residential Tenants”

We all deserve to live in safe housing! Write a letter to your senator urging their support on SB24-094.

Urge your legislators to extend Paid Leave for Public Sector Workers!

Take action and send a letter to your Senator to support expanding paid parental leave for qualifying Georgians.

Write a Letter to your Representatives to support GA Childcare!

It’s time to contact your legislators to urge them to invest at least $20 million of state funding for Georgia’s Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) Program!

Urge lawmakers to support Georgia Workers!

This legislative session, urge Georgia lawmakers to support bills that will help all workers!

Voces de Resistencia: A 9to5 Colorado Podcast

We’re thrilled to launch 9to5 Colorado’s new podcast: Voces de Resistencia! Each episode will give you an inside look into a piece of 9to5’s iconic history, the intricacies of organizing, and a deeper dive into each of our campaigns from members of our team. We can’t wait to share our voices of resistance with you!…

Speak Up for Workers! Ask Your Representatives to Support Harassment Free Workplaces

Take action to ensure that workers are protected in Georgia!

Tell Senators to Support the Safe at Home Act!

The Safe at Home Act, is a tenants’ rights bill that 9to5GA is advocating for that makes some much-needed changes to renters’ rights under Georgia law.

Get involved in the fight for just utilities!

Join 9to5 Georgia’s Utilities Justice movement in Southwest GA.

2024 GA Child Care Call Campaign

Join us in asking the Georgia Appropriations Committee members to include at least $20 million in additional state funding for the Georgia.

Share Your Paid Leave Story!

Join our strong base of impacted community members who support paid leave in Wisconsin!

Tell Your Legislators – It’s Time for Paid Leave for Working Wisconsin

We need your voice to demand what’s right for ourselves, our families, and all of Wisconsin. Contact your representatives to urge them to support the Wisconsin Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Program!

TAKE ACTION to Pass ‘For Cause Eviction’!

Write a letter to your Senator to help keep Coloradans housed!

Tell Your Representatives to Pass the Equality Act!

Tell your representative to pass the Equality Act!

Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act for Equal Pay

Tell Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act today!

Write your Rep: YES on Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work!

Send a letter to your representative to urge their yes vote on Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work!  

Write your Rep: Vote Yes for Clean Water!

No matter where we come from, everyone deserves access to clean water. We must come together to tell our representatives to VOTE YES on HB23-1257!

Tell your Senator: We need Local Control of Rents!

We must come together and tell our legislators to vote yes on HB23-1115!

Urge Ascentia to revoke unfair parking rules at Foxridge Farm

Send a letter to Ascentia urging them to revoke burdensome and costly parking regulations.

